DermMatch vs Toppik: Which Is Better?

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No one wants to suffer from hair loss.

It’s not just the lousy appearance or being ashamed among friends.

It’s the constant state of being aware that you’re bald, which can affect your self-esteem. Fortunately, there are quite a few products you can try.

Hair concealers come to mind. And they are not that expensive. Two of the most popular on the market are DermMatch and Toppik.

Since they are similar, a lot of people find it hard to choose between the two.

To make it easy to select the best out of the two, I’ve reviewed both and compared them. So, make sure you read the article to the end! 

Toppik Hair Building Fibers Review

dermmatch vs toppik

This product isn’t much different from DermMatch or Nanogen, or any of the other hair concealers out there.

What it does is not add hair to your scalp but rather disguise the receding areas where your hair is thinning. Sort of like painting out the bald area.

The great selling point for Toppik is that it is great for the crown, compared to DermMatch which is designed to be used for receding hairline.

Depending on how you’re using it, a single disc can lask you for up to a year.

However, you have to avoid using too much because it can look obvious and strange if its too much in your hair.

Is It Effective?

According to the manufacturer, the Toppik Hair Building Fibers can help you fill in fine hair so your hair looks fuller.

There are 9 shades to choose from and are designed for both men and women.

You can choose from white, gray, auburn, black, dark brown, medium brown, and more.

The product is made from keratin protein, which makes it blend with your hair strands so it appears full.

There are a few things you need to understand about the product.

The Toppik Hair Building Fibers isn’t a spray and doesn’t come with the applicator. That is sold separately.

Also, it is not waterproof, which means it’ll wash away under the shower.

To retain it, you’ll have to use a shower cap or umbrella.

Finally, it is possible to take it with you to an airport since it’s not a liquid but more like powder which should be allowed on a plane.

Pros & Cons of Toppik

On the plus side, a lot of people have found the product to be effective in helping them get results.

It helps cover the scalp and makes hair look thicker and voluminous.

Another good thing is that it is unisex so that everyone can use it.

Whether you have been suffering from receding hairline for a while or just experiencing it for the first time, Toppik can be useful.

Unfortunately, there have to be some negatives right?

Well, one of the serious ones is that it can clog your follicles.

So, you may find your pores around the scalp getting more and more clogged. And this could affect you in the long run where it causes more hair loss.

At the moment, you can prevent that from happening by not using Toppik too frequently.

So, the plan is to use it a few times a month and then use a clarifying shampoo to cleanse out the residue.

DermMatch Hair Loss Concealer Review

DermMatch is basically a colored powder.

So, what it does is simply coat your scalp so it doesn’t show where you have hair loss.

When you apply it to your hair, it will cover the scalp by coloring it while also adding thickness to the hair by coating it.

So, in a way, the product isn’t taking your hair loss away. Rather, it conceals it.

That means when you walk by people, they don’t know you have hair loss. Thus, saving you the embarrassment.

Very good if you go to work every day and you want your colleagues to see you in good light.

It is also good for enhancing your self-esteem since no one knows you’re balding..except…yourself.

So, that’s one of the biggest advantages and probably the selling point of DermMatch and most other hair concealers.

The other might be price, right. They shouldn’t be expensive compared to hair loss shampoos or treatment regimens.

Just because DermMatch helps cover up your hair loss and make you look good doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its own disadvantages.

And since it comes in eight colors, you are supposed to be able to blend the colors to match your hair color.

However, if you don’t get it right, it might make your hair look messy and unkempt.

You can also choose from a wet or dry solution.

Does It Have Side Effects?

There probably are no side effects so to say.

The most complaint against this product is that it might make the hair sticky. But that’s when you overdo it.

You want to follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

As long as you don’t overdo it, it probably shouldn’t make your hair greasy.

Another possible problem may be when it rains.

You must pray for a drizzle or cover your hair with a shower cap. Else, your scalp will be exposed and your hair will be unattractive.

That also shouldn’t be considered a side effect since you’re not supposed to use it when it rains or you stay indoors till it rains no more.

Is It Effective?

Of people who have used it, many find it to be good.

One problem is that it might not be that great for severe hair thinning.

In that case, it won’t cover up the area where your hair is thinning well enough so you’ll need another kind of product that can not only cover the area but also stimulate the scalp to allow for hair growth.

And that’s where the other alternative, Toppik, comes in.

DermMatch vs Toppik: Comparison

It’s important to note that there is a mixed review on both Toppik and DermMatch.

However, both seem to be effective based on the customer reviews on both.

I couldn’t do a price comparison because of the differences in their pricing model. 

WIth the DermMatch, you just select a color and you’re priced based on that.

Each color costs $47 with each gram approximately costing $1.18.

DermMatch also offers one free when you buy 3 so you’re effectively saving $47 by buying in bulk.

One area that DermMatch excels in is that they offer applicators with each purchase.

You’ll get their EZ Reach and EZ Grip applicators along with instructions on how to use the product. They’ll even send you a free replacement for the applicators if you pay for shipping.  

Toppik, on the other hand, offers different sizes at different prices.

There are four sizes to choose from ranging from $7.95 to $79.95.

Their travel size is the cheapest at $7.95, followed by regular, which costs $24.95.

The economy and grant sizes cost $46.95 and $79.95 respectively. You have to buy the applicators separately.

However, I like how the information about the product is presented on their website.

Aside from the official website, I also found a listing for the product on Amazon with plenty of reviews.

I believe that can help you assess how good the product is and what other people are saying about it.

There is a listing on DermMatch too, but that seems to be old and you can’t order from there.

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