FabFitFun vs. BoxyCharm Ultimate Comparison

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Do you love getting a little treat in the mail every month? Or maybe you’re looking for a way to try products before buying them?

Then, you love to sign up for one of these two beauty boxes: FabFitFun or BoxyCharm.

Both will give you a selection of high-quality beauty and lifestyle items based on your preferences, and they change up their selections every season.

This article offers a brief comparison between FabFitFun and Boxycharm if you’re not sure which of them you should go for.

FabFitFun vs. BoxyCharm: How They Work

Both FabFitFun and Boxycharm require a monthly subscription for the product to arrive and a $50-$75/year “Lifetime+” for the referral program.

FabFitFun also includes an add-on order option that gives you two boxes (1 each month) for $149. They will be known as “preferences.”

However, this is only available to customers who have subscribed and re-subscribed with FabFitFun in the past 12 months. The annual fee for the extra box is $149, not including shipping and any sales tax.

The items within the FabFitFun boxes vary from jewelry, clothing, and makeup to food and snacks. An individual beauty item can retail for more than $50 if it is a single-use product.

Boxycharm’s products range from $2 (eyelashes) to $127 (diamond-encrusted necklace). Boxycharm also has a points system. You earn 25 points for reviewing a product and 100 points for referring (and keeping) a new member.

FabFitFun crates have a higher proportion of full-sized products compared to their subscription. Unlike their subscription, which includes four or five items, the boxes mainly contain accessories like jewelry and clothes.

FabFitFun vs. BoxyCharm: Benefits

Benefits of FabFitFun:

They donate to charity. In the last quarter of 2017, FabFitFun donated $1 million to local and international non-profit organizations.

If users cancel their subscription with FabFitFun, they still receive notifications about all the upcoming boxes. Every member can participate in the forums and leave comments for other members.

However, if a user cancels their subscription with BoxyCharm, they will not be notified about any future boxes and will not have access to the forum.

Benefits of BoxyCharm:

You can choose what you want, and they do not send any products that you do not want. Also, there is no “minimum commitment” to receive a box every month.

Boxycharm users can earn referral points redeemable for their fellow members’ boxes, products, and services. You can also use points to purchase boxes from other destinations.

Boxycharm has a point system for higher-value items like black diamond rings and one-of-a-kind custom jewelry. You earn points at varying rates depending on the item you choose.

Boxycharm has a larger selection of products ranging from groceries to electronics.

Head-to-Head Product Comparison

FabFitFun’s Exfoliating Beauty Serum vs. BoxyCharm’s Hydrating Face Elixir

FFF Exfoliating Beauty Serum is infused with alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and natural fruit extracts, this serum promises to slough off dead skin cells, revealing a brighter, more even-toned complexion.

It’s a lightweight formula designed for all skin types, and consistent use can lead to minimized pores and a reduction in the appearance of fine lines.

As for the BC Hydrating Face Elixir, it is packed with hyaluronic acid and nourishing botanical extracts, making it a savior for parched skin.

Its main aim is to replenish moisture, plump up the skin, and provide an instant glow. It’s a versatile product that can be used both as a serum step or mixed into your foundation for added luminosity.

FabFitFun’s Luxe Eye Cream vs. BoxyCharm’s Age-Defying Eye Gel:

The FabFitFun Luxe Eye Cream is a rich, emollient eye cream that is brimming with peptides and caffeine. It targets puffiness, dark circles, and crow’s feet, it offers both hydration and rejuvenation.

The creamy consistency ensures that the delicate eye area remains moisturized throughout the day, reducing the onset of dryness-induced wrinkles.

BoxyCharm Age-Defying Eye Gel is a lightweight gel formula that product harnesses the power of retinol and antioxidant-rich berries to combat signs of aging.

It aims to tighten, brighten, and revitalize the eye contour, making it a favorite for those concerned about sagging and fine lines.

FabFitFun vs. BoxyCharm: Which Is A Better Option?

Both companies provide high-quality products to their customers.

The main difference between the two is that BoxyCharm sends different items each month (while FabFitFun sends the same box), and BoxyCharm gives you more freedom about what you want to receive.

In contrast, FabFitFun requires a monthly subscription for a minimum of $49 and does not have an option for purchasing item by item.

In addition, BoxyCharm has more options to earn points that you can use to purchase any product.

Finally, while BoxyCharm has a higher cost per product, it is better to use the points system because it allows you to “create your own box” of valued products.

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