Is Aveda Cruelty-Free in 2022? SHM Answers!

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Yes, Aveda is cruelty-free.

That’s the short answer.

However, I know you may want to know the reason for that. If that’s the case, the rest of the article is for you.

So, keep reading.

About the Brand

Aveda first came about in 1978, as a small venture in a little town in Blaine.

Seeing the future of the brand is bright, Estee Lauder purchased it in 1997. Now, EL has expanded Aveda to be a premium brand selling skincare, cosmetics, and haircare products.

Unlike other regular brands, Aveda took the path less trodden. To provide cruelty-free and vegan products to consumers.

Fortunately, the brand has been able to uphold this, with the majority of its products being cruelty-free. This is one of the factors Aveda is so popular and still around today.

In fact, the brand’s focus is exemplified in its motto “the art and science of pure flower and plant essences”. Meaning all of their products will be natural and free from harmful chemicals.

So, if you’re looking for a brand that puts clean, pure, and all-natural ingredients at the back of their products, you have Aveda.

Being a cruelty-free brand and being affordable is hard to see in the industry now. So, grab any Aveda product you can get your hands on and start enjoying the beauty of this organic brand.

Is Aveda Cruelty-Free?

As mentioned above, Aveda is a 100% cruelty-free brand.

Not only has the brand refused to test ingredients/products on animals. It doesn’t allow third parties to test on its behalf, talk more of financing the testing.

That also means that none of Aveda’s ingredients are outsourced such that they don’t know how those ingredients come about.

Moreover, Aveda doesn’t sell its products in Mainland China, where animal testing is required by law.

Any brand that does that, even if it claims not to use animal-derived ingredients or test on animals directly, will be termed a non-cruelty-free brand.

To satisfy all customers’ curiosity, Aveda has obtained certifications from a couple of organizations including PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnie certification.

These certify that Aveda is a cruelty-free brand, officially. If you check other independent sites like Cruelty-free Collections or Cruelty-free Kitty, you’ll see Aveda listed as a cruelty-free brand.

How About Estée Lauder (Aveda’s Parent Company)?

Well, Estée Lauder isn’t a cruelty-free brand. The brand either sells in Mainland China or allows a third party to conduct animal testing on its behalf. Does that mean Aveda should be given the same tag? No.

Aveda operates differently from Estée Lauder. Aveda is almost like an independent brand, operating under the umbrella of Estée Lauder, but with different policies.

So, we can say that Aveda is cruelty-free, even though its parent company isn’t. Some people would argue that Aveda should also be given the same description as Estée Lauder.

However, that is if the parent brand influences the child company. This is not the case here.


It is up to you to decide if you want to support Aveda as a cruelty-free brand. Or you want to stay away from it since it’s not yet “cruelty-free” enough due to its ties with the parent company.

Final Words

As you can see, Aveda is a popular brand, managed by one of the biggest brands in the industry: Estée Lauder. From what is on this page, Aveda on its own is cruelty-free.

However, if we place its jurisdiction under the parent company, then the description might change.

The situation is complicated where ingredients are provided by the parent company. And if that’s not the case, then Aveda is a company you can use with peace of mind.