Newa vs Nuface: Which is Better?

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Beauty comes from within, and that’s why it’s important to pick skincare that helps you glow from the inside out.

Newa and NuFace have both risen in the ranks in recent years, garnering critical acclaim for their unique approach to skincare.

Both brands utilize ultrasonic technology to stimulate the skin’s internal mechanism for growth, repair, and radiance.

The result?

Minimized fine lines, wrinkles, age spots, and so much more. Not to mention, this technology can have major benefits for the scalp and other regions experiencing hair loss or damaged follicles.

No matter how good these two brands are, you can only choose one. But which one is better? Which one will be the most suitable for your skin type? Let’s find out…

Newa vs Nuface: Features and Comparison

The beauty industry has seen a surge in technological devices promising age-defying results right from the comfort of your home.

Both Newa and Nuface have their claims. And while we might not be able to fault each one, there has to be one that’s superior.

Let’s delve deeper into the characteristics, mechanisms, and results of each, assisting you in making an informed decision for your skincare regimen.


Newa is backed by ENDYMED, a reputable medical technology company known for its professional RF (Radio Frequency) treatments.

Riding on the coattails of this professional reputation, Newa offers at-home devices that tap into this same RF technology, promising users professional-grade skincare treatments in the coziness of their own homes.


Nuface is a product of the combined expertise of microcurrent aesthetics and a mother-daughter duo’s passion.

Established in 2005, Nuface devices have since garnered attention for their non-invasive approach to skin toning and facial contouring.

Their gadgets have been hailed as easy-to-use, leading to the brand being showcased in numerous beauty magazines and platforms.

Technology and Mechanism

Newa’s prowess lies in its utilization of 3DEEP RF technology. This technology generates heat, stimulating the production of collagen and promoting skin tightening.

The energy is channeled deep into the skin, ensuring the targeting of layers most responsible for skin firming. Continuous use promises reduced wrinkles, tighter skin, and overall facial contouring.

Nuface leverages microcurrent technology. These are low-level, soft wave currents that go beneath the skin’s surface, toning facial muscles and boosting ATP production (Adenosine Triphosphate).

ATP is vital for cellular activities, including collagen and elastin production. The essence of Nuface is the “facial workout”, a technique for naturally contouring and toning the face, leading to a more youthful appearance.


Designed ergonomically, Newa devices are easy to hold and maneuver across facial contours.

Its treatments are often described as soothing, akin to a warm facial massage. However, it’s slightly bulkier than its counterpart, making it less travel-friendly.

Nuface devices, particularly the Nuface Mini, are designed for those on the go. Compact and efficient, these devices can easily fit into travel bags, allowing users to continue their skincare regimen even when away from home.

The user experience is described as a gentle tingling sensation, and the treatment duration is relatively short, adding to the convenience factor.


Newa’s RF technology promises visible results within a month, with some users noticing skin tightening after a single use. As with most skincare treatments, consistency is key.

To maintain results, regular treatments are recommended. Many users report significant improvements in skin texture and a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles over extended use.

The “instant lift” is a term often associated with Nuface. While some users have reported noticeable facial toning after the first use, consistent use over weeks promises lasting results.

To maintain the contoured look and the skin’s elasticity, regular “workouts” using Nuface are suggested. A vast majority of users witness improved facial contours, skin tone, and wrinkle reduction over time.

Newa or Nuface: Which is Better?

From the above, it’s clear that both of these brands are laying claim to the newest “it” tech in the beauty sector. Both brands have rave reviews, especially for reducing fine lines and improving skin elasticity.

While you can’t go wrong with either, NuFace’s variety of attachments and ability to target specific areas makes it a great buy.

If you’re concerned about the safety factor, Newa is easy to use and has built-in sensors to ensure you’re not exposed to too much heat or stimulation.

NuFace has a bit more of a learning curve, but as a whole, it’s a great complete skincare system. 

Regardless of the choice, it’s essential to remember that while these devices offer promising results, they need to be used in conjunction with a consistent skincare routine, healthy lifestyle, and sun protection to achieve and maintain optimal results.

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