Nioxin vs Cerafill: Which of the Two Brands Is Best for You?

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If you’re looking for a good comparison of Cerafill vs Nioxin for hair problems, this article should point you in the right direction.

You can choose Cerafill or Nioxin based on the hair problem you’re facing.

They both have different products that function differently. If you have thinning hair, for example, there are a lot of options to choose from.

The Problem of Hair Loss and Thinning

Hair loss and hair thinning affect a lot of people worldwide. Manufacturing companies have then decided to make huge profits from the hair industry with products that promise vibrant and full hair for users.

Well, this industry is full of fakes that often lead to more damage. However, there are good brands that give fantastic results with proper usage.

Here we’ve got you covered with a comparison of Nioxin and Cerafill brands.

Nioxin vs Cerafill: Side-by-Side Comparison

If you’re looking for an affordable option, you want to go with Nioxin. This doesn’t mean you can’t get cheap products from Cerafill, but Nioxin is better suited when it comes to better prices.

Nioxin also offers products for scalp treatment as well as shampoos and conditioners.

However, if you want the best shampoo and conditioners for your hair, then look at Cerafill. These and their products are focused on cleansing your hair of grime and environmental dirt.

Having said that, let’s look at each brand in turn. We’re going to be examining their products and effectiveness, the possible side effects from each brand, and ultimately, which one fares better.

Nioxin and its Effectiveness

Eva Graham started the brand in 1987 after she experienced post-partum hair loss. In 2007, Proctor and Gamble bought the company.

The product range includes shampoos, hair conditioners, styling products, and cleansers.

Ideally, if a scalp excretes excess sebum, it may eventually lead to hair loss. Nioxin combines antioxidants, glycoproteins, and other essential vitamins to treat such a scalp.

Nioxin is most suitable for thinning hair instead of a completely bald head. This is because the product creates an environment where weak hair can grow.

If you start using the Nioxin shampoo, you can realize the results of healthy hair immediately after use.

Nioxin products also contain sunscreen protection. Excess sunlight destroys the scalp making it weak which eventually leads to unhealthy hair.

The good thing about using Nioxin products is that they are relatively cheaper compared to treatments administered by doctors. Besides, Nioxin is even less expensive compared to its competitor brand Cerafill.

Side Effects of Nioxin Hair Products

There are no medically proven side effects of using any of the Nioxin products. However, some users claim to react to some of the products. Some of the most reported results include:

  • Itchy scalp
  • Sore scalp
  • Redness on the scalp
  • Hair loss
  • Excessive facial hair growth

Cerafill Hair Products and their Effectiveness

One thing is clear: Cerafill is pricier compared to Nioxin and specializes in three product ranges, namely: Retaliate, Maximize, and Defy.

Cerafill mainly focuses on hair cleansing as opposed to Nioxin which focuses on hair protection.

Cerafill shampoos and conditioners have a combination of ingredients like those of natural products.

However, the brand combines menthol, ceramide, and sp-94 in the products which enhance better results for fuller and thicker hair.

Ceramide is a component of Cerafill because it gives your hair an excellent shine and a thicker look.

Menthol, on the other hand, is a great cleansing agent that leaves your scalp feeling fresh and free from excess sebum. Sp-94 then nourishes the hair such that it gains fiber to look healthy.

Side Effects of Cerafill Hair Products

Just like any other product, Cerafill also has some side effects on some users. For instance, some people claim that when they start using the product, they experience some hair loss.

However, in justification, Cerafill assures clients that as the hair follicle gets treated, some people may lose hair. In layman’s language, the explanation is that the follicles detox first before the hair can grow healthy again.

Nioxin vs Cerafill: The Ingredients

The main ingredients in Cerafill are Menthol, ceramide, and sp-94 while that of Nioxin is Vitamin B and ubiquinone.

The advantage of ceramide is that it prevents dryness and irritation, which means that the products of Cerafill will help you more if you’re trying to treat dry hair.

Because they also use Menthol Crystals, Cerafill can help you remove dandruff buildup and repair the damage of hair. Finally, it will encourage the hair to retain its natural luster and leave it stronger, longer, and full of lush.

How about the advantages of the ingredients in Nioxin?

The main ingredient in Nioxin, Vitamin B encourages hair growth. Since it contains biotin, it allows the hair to obtain the nutrients that’ll enhance the hair follicles and scalp.

All of these points at good hair growth possibility. As you can see, if you’re looking for hair growth, Nioxin is a good option for you.

Another ingredient in Nioxin is ubiquinone, which is known to activate antibiotic activity and is more suitable for skincare. It also provides the bioactive that helps maintain the youthful appearance of hair.

If you’re experiencing hair loss and want your hair to regrow, go for Nioxin.

Nioxin can help you maintain the youthful appearance of your hair. However, if you’re looking to treat dry or damaged hair, then Cerafill is your best option.


Nioxin and Cerafill are great hair brands that help rejuvenate weak hair. The brands have gained popularity all over the world among both men and women.

The two products are effective in helping you realize fuller and stronger hair with consistent use. The good thing is that the products are effective and cheaper than other clinically made hair products for thinning.

All you need to do is choose the best product for you depending on your unique needs.