Using Hair Growth Shampoos for Hair Loss – Yes or No?

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Many people experience excessive hair loss over a long period of time. This can sometimes be accompanied by dead skin, clogged pores, and sebum plugs.

There are many possible causes for this condition.

Some of the major contributing factors to hair loss might include poor hair hygiene, excessive stress, menopause, the build-up of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), improper nutrition, birth control pills, clogged follicles, etc.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t just affect your appearance. It might also affect your self-esteem. In fact, many people find their confidence begins to ebb because of this and even feel depressed (and both men and women are in for this predicament).

So, if you find yourself in this situation, you’re not alone. A report from the American Academy of Dermatology estimated that 40% of women will experience visible hair loss when they clock 40.

As is common with physicians, you may be told it’s not a big deal and that you can live with it.

But if you find your emotional health taking a nosedive or you feel unattractive as a result of hair loss, there are plenty of things to do about it. The least of them is worrying too much as that wouldn’t solve anything, anyway.

Therefore, if you really, really want to solve this problem, you need to track down and unearth the root cause. Since this varies among people, you may have to find out. And may require a different approach to cure.

For many people, it is poor hair hygiene or improper nutrition. For others, it could be another contributing factor.

Once you know what you’re facing and the major cause, you’ll have a headway in following up with an effective treatment regime.

To learn more about hair loss, causes, and possible treatment, you can read this article on WebMD. And this article from the American Academy of Dermatology on managing your hair loss.

There are many ways of treating hair loss, but many women (and men) turn to hair growth shampoos.

In this article, you’ll learn more about these shampoos, how they differ from others like clarifying shampoo, and if you should use them.

First, if your hair loss is genetically related, there may not be much that you can do about it. But even with that, it’s worth trying out different solutions, especially if it’s visible and affecting your appearance.


Using Hair Growth Shampoos for Hair Loss – Yes or No?

You should know that there is no magic pill for regrowing your hair loss. Instead, finding the root causes and eliminating them is going to give you the best result.

This condition is often caused either by inflammation (intolerance in the body) or environmental (many pollutants can cause hair loss).

DHT (Dihydrotestosterone)

Hair Growth Shampoos

A common form of hair loss is DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which when it accumulates on your scalp can chop off your hair follicles. Even if it’s not doing that, then it can definitely reduce the strength of your hair. And your health can take a hit as well.

Although this is more common in men than women, it can occur in both sexes.

If this is causing the problem, you might be able to stop it with the use of drugs such as Finasteride and minoxidil.

However, this can come with side effects such as being addicted to the drugs since, without it, you may not be able to maintain strong and healthy hair.

Inflammation, Nutrition, and Stress

Another possible cause of hair loss is inflammation and stress. Any of these two can lead to hair loss, the same way they can cause other health complications.

When it comes to finding a solution to hair loss resulting from this, you’ll have to work on your nutrition as well as your lifestyle.

If you take alcohol, dairy, gluten in large quantities, you’ll want to suppress the intake.

You have to be as natural as possible in your diet. You also want to make improvements in daily exercise routines.

The healthier your life and nutrition become the chances of changing your hair story increases. You may not even need any drug to experience hair growth.


Hair Growth Shampoos

Aside from DHT, inflammation, and nutrition, pollution is another culprit. It’s present in your food, home, and overall environment. That’s why you need to learn how to manage it.

Most women automatically pivot to shampooing their hair to remove the accumulating debris and keep their hair clean.

However, some shampoos contain ingredients that might actually have the opposite result in the hair.

This is why it’s important to always pay attention to your shampoo before buying it so you don’t buy one that’s harmful.

Some chemicals that may not be too good for your condition include sodium lauryl sulfate, dioxin, and some other chemicals that are controversial.

Therefore, to be safe, you should look for hair growth shampoos that are free from toxic chemicals like dioxin. The best ones will also include jojoba oil, will be pH balanced, and will come with biotin.

But the problem is that you may not be able to find a shampoo that has all of these.

So, should you avoid shampoos totally? No.

Try some of the best on the market. If they don’t work, you probably may have success trying taking other steps outlined here.

11 Tips for Healthy, Full Hair

  1. Understand what’s causing the hair loss and learn about effective remedies to keep hair loss at bay. Here is a quick rundown on other simple hacks to get full hair:
  2. Wash your hair with a shampoo that can target DHT on the scalp. When your hair follicle is free from DHT and all the dirt is washed off, you’ll have a better chance at nurturing a head that’s full of hair.
  3. Use pumpkin seed oil hair shampoos. The oil contains lots of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids that can do your hair a lot of benefits.
  4. Try massaging your hair regularly. When you brush your hair for 2 minutes every day, you’ll stimulate it and increase blood flow to the follicles. This will send more nutrients around the area, thus helping the hair follicles grow and maintain a healthy stance.
  5. Brush your hair before you wash. This will remove flakes of dirt and dandruff and open the root for better hair treatment.
  6. Pat your hair to dry. After washing your hair, your hair becomes wet, but also weak. Rough handling in this state can damage the hair shaft, thereby leading to more loss.
  7. Avoid fat and food high in sugar. These can increase body-fat levels, creating a breeding ground for dandruff and hair loss. Instead, increase the consumption of vegetables, fruits, etc. This will provide biotin, silica, etc., that the hair needs in sufficient amounts.
  8. Don’t ever consume alcohol. If you’re a drinker, stop it. It can raise DHT levels, which isn’t good for your hair.
  9. Stop smoking too. It causes inflammation, which we touched on above. This isn’t good for your hair condition. It can worsen it.
  10. Use a gentle shampoo for washing your hair. Some shampoos are harsh. They can strip your hair of moisture and traumatize it.
  11. Follow a healthy eating plan. What you eat affects your hair growth. Poor eating habits can worsen your hair loss.
  12. Use a shampoo that’s free from potentially toxic ingredients.

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