Wella Powder Lightener vs Quick Blue – Which One Is Best for Bleaching?

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If you’re looking for the best professional hair bleaches, then there is something for you between Wella Powder Lightener vs Quick Blue from L’Oreal.

Most people that are going the DIY route don’t want the ordinary boxed haircolor that anyone can get at any drugstore or beauty store.


They want professional-grade haircolor. As a result, many are considering those excellent products that have been known to do wonders for the hair.

Both Wella and L’Oreal have been in the game for some time. Their powder lighteners have been used by dozens of people with many having nothing but good things to say about the product.


In this article, I look at what makes the products thick and how they stack together. At the end of the day, you want a product that’s suitable for your hair color.

Not one that carries a name on its head.

Let’s go ahead and look at them.

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Wella Powder Lightener vs Quick Blue – A Quick Comparison

The main difference between the two products is that the Wella powder lightener is more expensive than L’Oreal quick blue.

That means you’ll likely spend more if you decide to buy the Wella Blondor. Also, you may need to apply the L’Oreal Quick Blue on coconut oil while the Wella Blondor doesn’t need that.

Wella Powder Lightener vs Quick Blue Reviews

The L’Oreal Quick Blue Powder Bleach

Wella Powder Lightener vs Quick Blue
L’Oreal Quick Blue Powder Bleach

There are a few variations of this product on the market. One thing I like about the product is that it comes in different sizes. Depending on your budget, you should be able to settle on a good one.

Here, I’m going to be looking at the 16-ounce size of the formula. It’s available at Amazon and a host of other small retailers. Therefore, it’s easy to get one when you need it.

This developer can lift u 7 levels of color, which gives you a medium blonde. But you can go lower if you’re looking for black or light brown haircolor.

Also, you can achieve different effects including highlights, lowlights, or platinum blonde all in one application.

The reviews on the product are excellent and here are some of the things you should consider when buying:


Wella Powder Lightener vs Quick Blue
L’Oreal Quick Blue Powder in a Package

The formula is very thick, which is good for achieving consistency. Also, that makes it easy to apply especially if you’re trying to achieve a subtle effect like ombre.

It’s also creamy, which means it’s stable throughout your application and processing. Finally, you don’t have to remix when you’re applying. Thus, saving you time to get to the results.

The formula is dust-free and non-drip, which makes it an ideal on- and off-scalp application techniques.

It can be used with coconut oil

One of the safest ways of bleaching the hair is by using a developer on top coconut oil. This should be done before starting the process and can lessen the damage that could result from the process.

You can use it on medium/dark brown hair, natural/black hair, or light blonde. Also, using it on a sensitive scalp should go smoothly without burns or damage. Therefore, if you have sensitive skin, you can still try out the product.


L'Oreal Quick Blue Powder Bleach
Quick Blue: Another Style

The liquid comes in a large container with lots of information that’ll help you get optimal results. Aside from the label, you also get application instructions, safety warning and the best way to use it.

Note: This product is manufactured in the United States and is formulated for professional use only. Therefore, this may be more suitable for salon use unless you have previous experience using similar products.

Is it cruelty-free?

This product is not cruelty-free because, the manufacturer L’Oreal, tests on animals. If you’re looking for cruelty-free formulas, there are a lot of others on the market that can serve your needs. You can check here for alternatives.

What’s the price?

The price of this product varies depending on where you want to buy it. However, if you have a budget for twenty dollars, you’ll be able to get it in any of the major online retailing sites.

You can also check the official website of L’Oreal for better price comparison.

What do I need with this?

L'Oreal Quick Blue Powder Bleach
Quick Blue: Another Style

If you’re looking to dye your hair, you’ll need this developer, a toner, and the color you want to apply.

You can also add a few other items like coconut oil (I explain why you should use it above), protein filler, hair color brush, bowl, deep conditioner, bottle applicator, and aluminum foil.

You need some (or all) of these if you have virgin hair and have never dyed your hair before. However, if that isn’t the case, you may not need any of them.

Where can I order it?

There are a lot of places you can order this product as mentioned above.

This includes L’Oreal official site, Amazon, Sallybeauty, Walmart and your local salon/drug store. This manufactured product so it should be available offline as it is online.

Read: Schwarzkopf vs L’Oreal: Which of the Two Is Better?

The Wella Powder Lightener

Wella Powder Lightener or Quick Blue
Wella Powder Lightener

According to the manufacturer, the Wella Blondor is a powder lightener similar to Schwarzkopf Blond Me that comes with the highest quality ingredients for giving intense and vibrant color results.

One of the distinctive qualities of this product is that you can use any other developers with it. You don’t have to stick to the same product from Wella, even though doing so maybe better.

This is why:

Some people think that this is a developer and that they may not need any other. However, that isn’t true. This is just a lightener so you’ll need to use a developer with it.

Wella Powder Lightener vs Quick Blue
Wella Powder Lightener and Accessories

The product is safety sealed, can be used for balayage and can go with most colors.

One of the great things about the product is that it can be used to bleach your hair to most levels. Also, it can be used for all hair color lightening techniques.


Other than being expensive, a lot of people have used it to bleach their hair successfully. Some with complaints and many without any complaints, which shows that the product works.

Is it cruelty-free?

No. Wella (who makes this powder lightener) falls under the category of brands that test or finance testing on animals. Therefore, their products are not vegan or cruelty-free.

What’s the price?

Wella Powder Lightener
Wella Powder Lightener in a Sachet

Even though the Blondor is one of the best powder lighteners on the market, it’s also one of the most expensive.

It doesn’t have any particular benefits above some of the other choices out there. However, a lot of people love it and have described it as being very effective.

Who can use this lightener?

If you have naturally dark, brown, or dark brown hair, you can use this. You can also go platinum blonde without damage.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I bleach my hair at home?

You can do it on your own, especially if you’ve done it in the past. Also, if this is your first time, you can DIY hair bleaching. It’s just that the chances of causing damages to your hair are greater.

With a hairstylist, there is little chance of making mistakes since it’s their profession. However, no one can be safe from error.

If you’re going to do it yourself, ensure you’re well-informed, prepared and have reasonable expectations.

Can I go blond with dark hair?

You can go blond with dark hair, but it’ll take longer since it might take some time to get to the level you want. Also, you should not go for a 40 volume developer because it’s too powerful and may lead to damage.

Instead, try to bleach a couple of times using a lower-volume developer until you get the results you want.

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  1. Wella Professionals is cruelty free. They are owned by Coty Salon Professional and DO NOT TEST ON ANIMALS. They actually have test salons to test on willing humans in California.

    1. You’re wrong Bettie.

      If you research more, you’ll see that the company isn’t cruelty-free. You can start with this resource

  2. PSA: You can not use lightener without damage. Just the fact of using bleach on your hair damages it. Period. Adding coconut oil or conditioner or *insert whatever people add to try and diffuse the damage* does not prevent damage. The only way to not damage your hair is to never do anything to it and never leave your house. And wella is about 100% better than quick blue.

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